JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Wangutusi Preaches Mediation to Teso Religious Leaders

The Mediation Registry on Tuesday September 7, 2021 concluded a two days training in Soroti District where 25religious leaders have now become court accredited mediators. 

The religious leaders under their umbrella body, Teso Religious Leaders' Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation(TERELEPER), organized the training to enhance on their skills in resolving disputes such as resolving land and family disputes. 

The training was facilitated by Hon. Justice David Wangutusi and Registrar HW Kisawuzi Elias.

Hon. Justice Wangutusi told the participants that while they have been carrying out Mediation privately, they were now going to be accredited by court which will boost their confidence while conducting mediation.

The topics covered included conflict and its causes, conflict resolution and management, the mediation process, communication in mediation, negotiation and court annexed mediation.

Mr John Ajao, the director of TERELEPER, appreciated the Judiciary for conducting the training in Teso sub-region. 

The same was echoed by Rev Canon Asanasio Maraka who added that religious leaders need to put into practice the theology of love, compassion and mercy by mediating and keeping the community peaceful.

The training was concluded with participants being awarded with certificates of completion of the training.

Posted 7th, September 2021
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